Hi there. I'm Julie, in case you didn't catch that above. I’m a mother of two from Atlanta, GA, who loves to drink hot coffee in the summer heat. I love all animals and have a soft spot for fostering puppies. My favorite holiday is Halloween. My dad and I share the same birthday, but he always lets me open my presents first. I love surprises, resist change, and don’t tolerate egos. I think my son is the funniest person I’ve ever met. My daughter is a pint-sized teen-aged force to be reckoned with. I met my husband at work. I was his intern. It was totally not scandalous. I love to read and can only handle one TV show at a time. I went to Emory University and studied abroad in Oxford, England. Saying that still makes me feel smart. I’m obsessed with yard sales and audible. I could care less about watching sports. I used to be an avid runner, but now I'm obsessed with CrossFit. The best advice I ever received is to walk into a place like you belong, and no one will ever question why you’re there. I’m obsessed with spotting famous people. I ran into Parker Posie in New York City and Ron Livingston at my local Starbucks. We totally had a moment. In my mind we’re going steady. My favorite cake is cookie and I love my gin and tonics. I can still recite the phone numbers of my elementary school friends. I love my kids and my work. But I really, really hate wearing shoes. And that, my friends, is me in a nutshell.
Say hello.